Dokumenti i obrasci
Dokumenti natjecanja

Formular za upisivanje rezultata u kostur od 32 igrača (na ispadanje)

Formular za upisivanje rezultata u kostur od 16 igrača (na ispadanje)

Formular za upisivanje rezultata u kostur od 8 igrača (na ispadanje)

Formulari za upisivanje rezultata pojedinačnih mečeva koji su predviđeni da se daju sucu za stolom. Radi štednje papira na jednom listu se nalazi 6 formulara koji se izrežu.

Formular za grupu od 3 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Formular za grupu od 4 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Formular za grupu od 5 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Formular za grupu od 6 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Formular za grupu od 7 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Formular za grupu od 8 igrača u grupnoj fazi natjecanja. Najčešće se ostavi na stolu na kojem se igra grupa, da igrači sami upisuju ili na zapisnički stol, gdje dojavljuju rezultate voditelju da on upisuje. Mogu se upisivati rukom ili na računalu prije printanja ako se želi da izgleda urednije.

Scoresheet in pdf form format for individual matches.Intended to be given to umpire at the table. There are 6 forms on a single sheet to be cut out for paper saving purposes.

For 3 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.

For 4 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.

For 5 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.

For 6 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.

For 7 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.

For 8 players group in group stage. Most often it's left on table where group matches are played and players write results in it, or it's left on umpire's table and results are brought for him to write them in.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.
They can be filled by hand or on PC before printing, if your want them tidy.