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There are even 25 upcoming tournaments published in Pingic calendar at the moment
Dear Pingic friends, It didn't take long to break the record in upcoming tournaments again - 25. We are very glad that Pingic is becoming more and more popular and more and more tournaments are being posted on Pingic web site. There are even 25 upcoming tournaments in 9 countries being posted so you have a wide choice where you will play in coming days.
Pingic tournaments calendar is being displayed not only on Pingic web pages, but on the large number of national associations' official web sites (e.g. associatons of Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hezegovina, Kosovo) as well and link to it is placed on ETTU web site. Therefore, we would like to encourage all the tournament organisers to freely post their tournaments, as soon as the date is determined, if possible, so the players that are coming from far could organise themselves (transport, accomodation, other commitments) on time.