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Number od sport halls on Pingić web site reached 200 and keeps increasing
Dear Pingić friends, Pingic reached another milestone, 200th sport hall page has just been created in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and number keeps increasing. Sport halls are located in 15 countries so far and each sport hall page has full address, location on map, Google navigation possibility (where covered by Google), basic info about sport hall (nubmer of tables, flooring, showers etc.) and most often photos and contact details as well. Turnaments published on Pingic web pages must have chosen sport hall where turnament is held, so players which never visited sport hall before can easily plan the trip and find the way to the venue and in the same time get good insight into playing condition on the turnament.
Links to the sport hall pages can be used in documents, mails and other web sites, so we encourage you to use that opportunity if you would like to show table tennis sport halls on your web site, or you need to send instructions about sport halls to your friends. Also, we encourage you to create sport hall pages for all sport halls you visit or play in, so other Pingic friends would know where table tennis is played, especially if they are visiting new town.