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Everyone can create his player profile now (with free verification during promo)
Free player profile verification in promo period
Each Pingic web site registered user can create his player profile now.
Player profile contains basic personal data about the player as well as additional info related to playing table tennis. Basic personal data, which are mandatory for creating player profile, are: Name, Surname, Gender, Date of Birth and Picture.
Additional data, only some of which are mandatory, are: height, weight, racket grip, playing hand, blade, rubbers etc.
For all the players that compete in Pingic leagues (e.g. www.brac.pingic.com), creating player profile and it's verification (verifying that basic personal data are correct) is mandatory. For playing on tournaments, player profile isn't mandatory in most of the cases (dependng on tournament organizer), but it makes tournament more interesting, especially when showing tournament results.
Creating player profile is always free, but it's verification will be charged for, because it's a manual process and some additional functionalities, where one must be sure that data in profile are true, can be provided to the owners of verified player profiles.
However, in this promo period until 31.12.2022., verification is free, so please use this opportunity and create your player profile and ask to be verified for free.
More info about some possibilities available to owners of verified profiles only will follow shortly.