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Pingic Brac Autumn championship 2011 has finished

The first season of Pingic Brac - Autumn 2021 has finished

Dear Pingic friends,

The first season of Pingic Brac has finished, where we competed, made new friends and above all, had fun.

Congratulations to team Postira (Jakov Glavinic, Toni Glavinic, Juraj Jurisic and Jure Santic) on well deserved first place and title, with only one draw.

Team Pučišća 01 from Pučišća is runner up, while Retond from Nerežišća took third spot.

All results, including the best players and doubles you can find on results page.

With the championship ending, transfer window started, during which new teams can be created and players can join or leave teams.

On 18.02.2022 Team Leaders will be allowed to register teams and players in those teams for Spring championship, so we recommend all players that want to switch teams to join new team by then.

We invite all the new players wishing to participate in Spring championship to log in Pingic Brac web site and create their player's profiles and to create new team or join some existing team.

If you would like to start your local Pingic League, please contact us.

See you soon in Winter Cup and Spring championship.


Your Pingic Team

Author: Nikola Kašić
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